Emissions Monitor
Broken bag detector BBD6
- Detects most particles regardless of composition.
- Very sensitive due to AC coupled technology.
- Can monitor extremely small particles e.g. galvanising fume (-0.1 um).
- Can be used over a wide range of particlulate densities.
- Can assist in dramatically reducing plant down time through filter failures.
What it does
- Continuously monitors for filter media leakage.
- Indicates relative condition of bags.
- Acts as a preventative maintenance tool.
- Proven AC Triboelectric technology.
- Relay time delay feature.
- Sensitivity adjustment.
- Air purge port to aid in the elimination of bridging.
- Simple Installation.
- Alarm level adjustment.
- Active head to controller mounting up to 100 metres apart.
- ATEX II 3 D&G compliant.
Particulate emission monitor EMP6
- Detects most particles regardless of composition.
- Very sensitive due to AC coupled technology.
- Can monitor extremely small particles, e.g. galvanising fume (-0.1 um).
- Can be calibrated for large range of concentration or mass flow rates 0.01 mg/m3 to 800 mg/m3 (4 x 10-6 gr/ft3 to 0.35gr/ft3).
What it does
- Continouusly monitors for filter media leakage.
- Indicates and transmits relative condition of bags.
- Provides a 4-20mA and 0-10V DC output designed to feed a PLC or other display device.
- Continuously monitors particulate flow, primarily emissions from process plants.
- Can be calibrated for mg/m3 (gr/fr3) or mg/s (gr/s) following calibration to Iso-kinetic sample.
- Push button and remote input to enable zero and span checks.
- Built in data logging capability for redundacy.
- Acts as a preventative maintenance tool.
- Proven AC Triboelectric technology.
- Replay time delay future.
- Dual relay outpurts.
- SD card slot for data logging (ASCII comma delimited).
- Digital tow way communication to ensure product integrity.
- Sensitivity adjustment to aid in the elimination of bridging.
- Air purge port.
- Simple installation.
- Alarm level adjustment.
- ATEX II 3 D&G and MACT compliant.